Does Lypossage™ work?
Clinical studies do prove the efficacy of this treatment. In a study of 100 women between the ages of 35 and 50, with steady habits, nearly 95% of the participants lost dimension in the targeted areas. This study has been replicated many times over with similar results. Please follow this LINK to read more about the study. Although actual results may vary from person to person, it is not uncommon for cumulative dimension loss, measured over multiple points, to be anywhere from 6 inches to over 14 inches. Most women will drop a full dress size without a significant reduction in their weight. Your Lypo-Therapist will photograph, weigh and measure you at key intervals to track your progression and measure your results.
Cited results are based on study participants making no other lifestyle changes. Your Lypotherapist is able to offer coaching and advise you how you can further enhance the results of your treatment.
Is Lypossage™ safe?
Yes. This is a non-invasive health promoting treatment that cleanses stored toxins and fluids from the system. Although some contraindications do exist and this service may not be appropriate for everybody, most healthy individuals experience enhanced energy and improved mental focus after receiving this treatment. It is safer than a surgical procedure but it may be used in conjunction with liposuction for a more dramatic surgical result.
Additional benefits of the treatment
While Lypossage™ treatments are specifically intended to be used as a manual body contouring technique, most people find that this treatment enhances their focus and energy level as well. This treatment will improve self-image, help to drain fat, improve the texture and tone of skin, improve circulation, release toxins, release deep fascial restrictions, improve posture, increase muscle tone and help to decrease areas of discomfort. This treatment has positive effects on the cardiovascular system and the lymphatic drainage system. This treatment feels great to receive and it will leave you both looking and feeling great!
What it is not:
This program in not intended to be a weight loss program, instead, it works with your body to eliminate toxic stored waste products allowing for a more toned, contoured effect and a cumulative dimension loss. It is not a magic cure for all that ails you but instead a tool to be used to create a better you. The NCBTMB Code of Ethics is strictly followed.
How long does it take to get results?
Each Lypossage™ lasts approximately 30 minutes per zone and is performed in a series of 18-sessions over the course of 4-8 weeks. (2-4 treatment sessions per week.) Treatment sessions are based on zones. You may wish to treat multiple zones during a single session. You will start to feel a difference almost immediately, but it may take 8-10 sessions before the results become measurable. After that the progress can be quite dramatic.
Maintenance programs will be customized to meet your needs and may include a home care protocol and monthly or bi-monthly maintenance treatments.
What are zones?
Zones are areas of the body that respond particularly well to this technique. Many people have a problem area that they would like to firm or tone. Often work is done on two or more zones during an appointment.
Zone 1 – Hips, Thighs, Buttocks & Lower Abdomen
Diminish the appearance of cellulite in areas that tend to be the most problematic.
Improve muscle & skin tone.
Affect posture & structure.
Feel better in your body.
Dimension loss is typical.
Zone 2 – Upper Abdomen, Back, Decollete & Arms
Improve your posture.
Dimension loss in arms and abdomen is typical.
Natural firming of bust area.
Improve circulation and lymphatic flow to the upper body.
It feels great!
Zone 3 – Face, Neck & Head
Lift and tone sagging tissue in your face and neck with dramatic results.
Diminish the appearance of wrinkles.
Improve skin tone and texture.
This treatment is like receiving a “natural face lift.”
How are results measured?
Your Lypotherapist will weigh, measure and photograph you at your initial appointment and again at key intervals in your treatment to track your progress. Lifestyle change is not a required part of the treatment, however your Lypotherapist is a partner in your program and can provide wellness coaching in order to further enhance your results.
How much does it cost per session/service?
Practitioners are free to set their own pricing structure which may vary based on the geographic region that they live in.
An example of a pricing structure is: A series of 18 Lypossage™ treatments performed over the course of 4-8 weeks starts at $1,620 for one zone per appointment session (18 treatments in total); $2700 for two zones per appointment session (36 treatments in total) and $3,780 for three zones per appointment session 54 treatments in total.)
This cost includes consultation, result measurement sessions, all Lypossage™ treatments and wellness coaching including some fitness recommendations. Personal training sessions and Home Care Collection products are additional.
All appointments are subject to a reschedule fee should an appointment need to be changed with less than 24-hours advance notice. Payment plans may be available.
Who can perform Lypossage™ treatments?
Lypossage™ treatments may only be performed by licensed massage professionals and estheticians who have completed specialized training and have been duly certified to practice under the Lypossage™ name.